Koncert z klimatem

The concert entitled "Concert with the climate ", performed by the Radom Chamber Orchestra, has been favourably received. The event, during which Radomians could hear the greatest classical music hits, aimed to promote the LIFE RADOMKLIMA project among Radom's seniors. The elderly residents of Radom were welcomed by the City Mayor – Mr Radosław Witkowski, who presented the details of implementation of the LIFE project in Radom and invited to watch a film showing the need to counteract the negative climate effects in our city.


Radom is one of the first cities in Poland that will deal comprehensively with the problem of slowing down rainwater runoff as part of its adaptation to climate change. The LIFE RadomKlima project aims to improve the quality of life of the residents of Radom by generating a favorable microclimate in the urban space thanks to creating green and blue infrastructure.


The promotion of the project was prepared to appeal to the older public as health and safety of the inhabitants within this age group are the most exposed to the negative effects of extreme climatic events, mainly due to the increased risk of cardiovascular or respiratory system diseases. The most vulnerable groups are people over 65, the chronically ill and children.


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