Restoration and adaptation of the Mleczna River to climate change

Adaptation of the Mleczna River to climate change by improving its physical structure, biodiversity and ecological processes based on the ecosystem approach and ecohydrology 


Objectives of the task:

• increasing flood safety in changing climatic conditions,

• improvement of water quality,

• improvement of biodiversity - restoration of habitats of birds, amphibians, fish, invertebrates and others,

• restoration of the ecological corridor in the river valley,

• improvement of landscape and recreational values.


• reconstructing the tortuosity of the Mleczna river bed on a section of 315 m to slow down the flow of water and the possibility of its spilling in the valley,

• 4 stagnant bays to increase the retention of flood waters and create habitats for aquatic organisms,

• 10 systems acting as rapids (shallows) and plos (deeps) in the riverbed, improving the structure of the riverbed and water quality,

• a large water bed to stop flood waters in the floodplain,

• reconstruction of the outlet of the rainwater collector into the river into a cleaning system using water plants;

• gravel heaps in the riverbed to raise the river bottom, and thus increase water retention in the landscape and its availability to plants.


Mleczna River before adaptation



Mleczna River during adaptation






Mleczna River after adaptation


