On May 25, 2018, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. the opening ceremony of the first "Climapond" was carried out as part of the LIFE14 CCA / PL / 000101 project - "Adaptation to climate change through sustainable water management in the urban space of the city of Radom", co-financed by the EU LIFE Financial Instrument and National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The pond was created in Kindergarten No. 16, at 3 Grenadierów Street in Radom.


This solution allows harvesting and local management of rainwater, even in the event of heavy rainfall. In addition, the water pond favours growth of biodiversity, and thanks to its location in the kindergarten, it will also have an educational function - says the project coordinator from the FPP Enviro company - Mrs. Iwona Wagner.


According to the Deputy Mayor of the City of Radom - Mr. Jerzy Zawodnik, this demonstration project presents how to prevent local flooding.
- Recently, we have had a storm in Radom; the streets were flooded, but if there were more similar solutions in the city, it would ease the effects of the downpour. Therefore, as part of the LIFE program, other demonstration points will be created to encourage companies and institutions to introduce similar solutions in their areas - says the Deputy Mayor of Radom.

The opening event of the pond was also an opportunity to present preschoolers’ dancing and art skills as well as the chance to participate in games and activities run by the animators.