As part of the project implementation concerning the task D1 - 'Monitoring of climatic conditions and surface runoff in the area of implementation of investment activities', three weather devices (weather stations) were purchased and installed by the Co-beneficiary - Municipal Waterworks in Radom.
Each station includes: a rain gauge, a device for measuring: temperature and humidity, pressure, direction and speed of wind and snow cover. Each device is equipped with a recorder. The measurements are saved in the internal memory of the recorder and are additionally sent via the GSM network to the server of the Municipal Waterworks in Radom. The system organized in this way provides the possibility of live and SCADA viewing as well as data archiving.
The stations are located in Radom in three sites of the city in guarded areas, preventing interference of unauthorized persons, which protects against damage and violation of the correctness of measurements, i.e. at: Sucha, Olsztyńska and Wapienna Streets.
One of the monitoring tasks of the project, carried out before and after the implementation phase, is conducting measurements of basic weather parameters that will be compared with historical values. The collected information will be used to run the RadomKlima portal professionally and to identify on the maps areas of urban space sensitive to extreme weather conditions. They will also allow to conduct the assessment of sensitivity as well as the possibilities and adaptability of the urban space in Radom relative to climatic impacts and extreme weather conditions. Quantification of surface runoff from hardsurfaced areas and rainwater collectors after heavy rainfall or thaw, will allow to check and verify the effectiveness of the applied solutions for the management of surface water, in relation to investment tasks not only resulting from the RadomKlima project.