The summer holidays series of the events ‘Get into the summer holidays spirit’ just ended on the Borki reservoir. Those events were organised by the Municipal Office in Radom and Municipal Water Works in Radom as part of the implementation of the project called ‘Adaptation to climate change through sustainable management of water in the urban space of Radom’, which is co-financed by EU funds and national resources of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.


Starting from June 23, residents of Radom could enjoy various free sports activities, such as yoga, zumba, ‘for healthy spine’ programme, tabata, trampolines, interval trainings which were run for the whole summer by licensed sport instructors in every weekend, twice a day. Free water was provided for all participants and body temperature was effectively lowered by water curtains.

Zdjecie z 1 wrzesnia Borki

In addition, extra activites awaited for children. Among them: face painting, balloon animals, stretch painting, games and fun, XXL bubbles, colourful braids, fairy tattoos, dance and all-round focused classes for children, competitions with prizes

That extremely active series of the events, promoting a healthy lifestyle, attracted great interest among both adults and children. Every weekend during the summer the inhabitants of our city actively and in large numbers, often whole families, spent time outdoors, enjoying free sports activities and other prepared attractions. Many people also visited the LIFE programme information point to learn more about the implementation of the project and about issues related to adaptation to climate change, which indicates the large and growing interest of residents in this topic.

Zdjecie z 1 wrzesnia Borki 2

According to the nature of the series of the events, also the last weekend of the summer holidays ended actively. On Sunday, September 1 all those who decided to spend the last Sunday of the summer holidays in Radom could participate in fitness marathons in 4 zones (Mental, Fitness, JumpIT and Animation for children) and try training in foam - a special attraction, available in Radom for the first time. That Sunday was also the last day of the ongoing series of meetings on the Borki reservoir.