On September 1, 2020, Zakład Usług Wodno-Melioracyjnych i Rekultywacji from Sandomierz - the contractor of adaptation works on the Borki reservoir and purification ponds entered the construction site. The implementation of the investment will last until February 28, 2021. The scope of the works covers, among others: reconstruction of the purification ponds, renovation of the main weir, desludging of the river bed and cleaning of the reservoir bottom. Floating islands with vegetation and three fountains powered by energy from photovoltaic panels and a small wind farm are also supposed to be built on the place. Experts have also proposed a number of other solutions to improve water quality, including, for example, the installation of a water oxygenation system to prevent algae bloom. Works related to the modernization of the reservoir in Borki amount to 5 million 880 thousand. zlotys.
The implementation of investment works means the closure of the construction site at the area of the main weir location, and thus no access to the pedestrian and bicycle route surrounding the Borki reservoir.
As part of the LIFE project, there are other adaptation mneasures implemented: the restoration of the Mleczna River to its natural course and floodplain polders that are being built on the Cerekwianka River. Last week the Wodociągi Miejskie company also announced a tender for the adaptation of the Potok Północny.