On June 4, 2022, we had the pleasure to participate stationary in the LIFE 2022 Information Day organized by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw. The organization of this event also coincided with the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the LIFE Programme. The ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Adam Guibourgé-Czetwertyński and Vice-President of NEPWM Paweł Mirowski, who emphasized the special nature of the LIFE Programme and the unique possibility of co-financing Polish projects from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

The Head of the Nature Sector at the European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and the Environment (CINEA) presented the rules for applying for Programme funds to CINEA. During the meeting, a recording of a speech by Angelo Salsi – Director of the LIFE and Eco-Innovation Department of the CIP at the European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and the Environment (CINEA) – was also presented, in which he briefly summed up the last 30 years of the LIFE Programme. The presentation on the role of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in the implementation of the LIFE Programme was given by the head of the LIFE Department at the NFOŚiGW and the head of the LIFE National Contact Point – Andrzej Muter. Selected beneficiaries of the LIFE Programme also presented their projects (event programme below).
Participants could get acquainted with LIFE projects presented at specially prepared stands and exchange experiences with beneficiaries of already implemented projects. The event was also a platform for discussion on ideas for the implementation of projects with specialists of the LIFE National Contact Point.


The recording of the LIFE Information Day 2022 broadcast is available at the following address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZxvzOQjlmg


Program of the event >


Photos: Own source

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