Kalendarz wydarzeń

Dzień Informacyjny LIFE 2018 w dniu 25 kwietnia 2018 w Warszawie
Środa, 25 Kwiecień 2018, 08:00 - 17:00

For the eleventh time, the LIFE Information Day 2018 is organized by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The event will take place on April 25, 2018 in the conference center of the National Stadium in Warsaw. Over 20 stands will present LIFE projects being currently implemented in Poland while the information stands will display other financial instruments in Poland.


The project LIFE 14 CCA / PL / 000101 will present assumptions and planned effects at one of the stands provided by the organizers.


The aim of the LIFE Information Day 2018 is to provide information at the national level on the recruitment of projects in 2018. The meeting will be attended by representatives of the European Commission and EASME, the Ministry of the Environment and the Management Board of the NFEPWM. Participation in the event is a unique opportunity to learn about the LIFE Program and to exchange experiences with LIFE Beneficiaries, as well as the chance to learn about the activities carried out under the projects.


The LIFE Information Day 2018 shall be comprised of a general session and three thematic sessions. The general session is addressed to people who are preparing for submission of an application of a LIFE call for proposals and are looking for basic knowledge about the Program and its principles. Potential applicants will be able to get to know the answer to a key question - how the projects can be financed.


Thematic sessions will be a chance to get to know specific issues in detail:

  1. Circular economy in LIFE projects
  2. LIFE for Information and Management
  3. Nature conservation for climate in LIFE projects.

The participants will get acquainted with the experience of the Program beneficiaries who will present the implementation of their LIFE projects.

Miejsce Warszawa